(1.河南省計量科學研究院,河南 鄭州 450008;2.河南省工業(yè)設計學校,河南 鄭州 450002;3.廣西計量檢測研究院,廣西 南寧 530022)
中圖分類號:TB96 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1672-4984(2006)03-0071-04
Application of national standards to assembled spectacles
SUI Min1,SUI Li-hui2,YI Xian-qun3
(1.Henan Institute of Metrology Zhengzhou 450008,China; 2.Henan Industry design School,Zhengzhou 450002,China;3.Guangxi Institute of Metrology and Testing, Nanning 530022,China)
Abstract: This article introduced the national standards of GB13511-1999 (Assembled spectacles) and GB10810-1996 (spectacles lenses) on the utility of quality control to assembled spectacles. It put emphasis on the method and example that how to use enough accurate focimeter and pupil distance meter verified by legal metrological verification body to check the five technical specifications stipulated for assembled spectacles.
Key words: Assembled spectacles; National standards; The five items of technical specifications; Check out