盧洪義, 韓慶田, 史 佩, 于勝春
(海軍航空工程學院飛行器工程系,山東 煙臺264001)
摘 要:根據(jù)氣體露點自動測試儀的原理,提出該儀器在發(fā)生故障后不能立即修復并且緊急需要的情況下,不經(jīng)維修繼續(xù)使用的應急使用措施。提出了氣體露點溫度的測量方法和氣體降露時刻的觀測方法,分析了測量方法的科學性,給出了實驗分析和實際使用步驟。該措施具有較強的實用性、推廣性。
中圖分類號:TP277 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1672-4984(2007)01-0026-03
Study of emergency using measures for a type of air dew point auto-test equipment
LU Hong-yi, HAN Qing-tian, SHI Pei, YU Sheng-chun
(Aircraft Department of Naval Aeronautiical Engineering Academy,Yantai 264001,China)
Abstract:Because of limited maintenance conditions of the field,auto-test equipment can not be maintained in time.In this paper,maintenance measures were analyzed and based on the working principles of the air dew point auto-test equipment,the emergency using measures were presented under the situation when the failure equipment in urgency need.The measurements of the air dew point and the observation methods of the dropping air dew point were given.The scientificity of the measure methods was analyzed and the experimental and actual using steps were also presented.
Key words:Failure;Maintenance;Dew point;Emergency use;Test