王成剛, 周曉東, 閻松濤, 郭 明
(海軍航空工程學院 控制工程系,山東 煙臺 264001)
摘 要:用TPS對電路板進行自動測試、對電路板進行故障檢測和修理,是提高新裝備維修保障能力的關鍵。首先結合TPS評估與驗收的需求,給出了電路板TPS驗證的主要內(nèi)容;然后介紹了基于故障注入的電路板TPS驗證評估方法;在物理模擬故障注入樣本集的充分性驗證中,利用了基于多信號模型的測試模型建模方法,提高了驗證準確性和效率。
中圖分類號:TP274+.2 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1672-4984(2007)01-0034-03
Study on the testability evaluation methods for PCB test program sets(TPS)
WANG Cheng-gang, ZHOU Xiao-dong, YAN Song-tao, GUO Ming
(Department of Control Engineering,Naval Aeronautical Engineering Academy,Yantai 264001,China)
Abstract: TPS (Test Program Sets) can be used in fault detection and maintenance of PCB. It is critical to the enhancement of maintainability of new equipment. Firstly the authors presented the main aspects of testability evaluation of TPS. Then,TPS testability evaluation methods based on fault injection were introduced. Finally,in the course of adequacy verification of test cover for the sample set of fault injection in physical simulation,the authors brought forward a testability modeling method based on multi-signal modeling methodology,which can achieve higher accuracy and efficiency.
Key words: TPS;Fault injection;Sample set;Evaluation;Verification